I'm avid internet surfer...
Today , while surfing I came across some very funny contents. That particular moment , I decided to jot down about those contents in my blog and share with you all.
Also would like to point out fact that there was the time when internet was just growing up. Every thing we came across in internet we belive it in general term . I remember, just couple of year back the common saying... " This information is authentic I just googled it................". Meaning people authenticate every bit of information what ever they might have googled.
Please Pause....
This is not absolutely true.. I found several information which are not correct.
Here are some tips to to get the more authentic information while googling.
TIP #1 - Always try to visit authenticated website to get the information.
TIP #2 - Always cross verify your search result with 3-4 websites contents.
TIP #3 -Always try to get related websites, you would not like to believe in the informations giving in wikis. Where every other people can update the information.
Now I keep on posting so interesting wrong contents of the websites.
Today when I was randomly surfing I one result like out of numerous searchs (not related to what, the result I got ), In google result search, I found something like,
What religion is mahendra singh dhoni? (WTF, who care about somebodies religion)
Out of curiousity I click the link., and I was navigated to answer.com
Look at the funny results.
Do you care about somebody's religion? Funny and see the another result.
Please add on if you get any of the funny or incorrect search results ....
Today , while surfing I came across some very funny contents. That particular moment , I decided to jot down about those contents in my blog and share with you all.
Also would like to point out fact that there was the time when internet was just growing up. Every thing we came across in internet we belive it in general term . I remember, just couple of year back the common saying... " This information is authentic I just googled it................". Meaning people authenticate every bit of information what ever they might have googled.
Please Pause....
This is not absolutely true.. I found several information which are not correct.
Here are some tips to to get the more authentic information while googling.
TIP #1 - Always try to visit authenticated website to get the information.
TIP #2 - Always cross verify your search result with 3-4 websites contents.
TIP #3 -Always try to get related websites, you would not like to believe in the informations giving in wikis. Where every other people can update the information.
Now I keep on posting so interesting wrong contents of the websites.
Today when I was randomly surfing I one result like out of numerous searchs (not related to what, the result I got ), In google result search, I found something like,
What religion is mahendra singh dhoni? (WTF, who care about somebodies religion)
Out of curiousity I click the link., and I was navigated to answer.com
Look at the funny results.
Do you care about somebody's religion? Funny and see the another result.
Please add on if you get any of the funny or incorrect search results ....