Monday, May 20, 2013

Re: CV 28

As you guys aware by now. I'm trying to collect the spams and the variety of SPAMS emails. 
Here's the interesting email drop in in my email box.

This will be pretended as if It has been sent by receiever from another device. But in actual it might be send by hacker.
Never respond these kind of email. It will show as if the sender email id is yours email ID.

For the purpose of expending our business in USA   we are looking for a manager, a person  living in USA,
who  will receive parcel and forward  them following  the  internal company instructions to our clients.

The stuff you will receive is already prepaid as well as labels,
so your job will consist mostly in receiving and sending goods and for this you will get stable
and in time salary that will start from   3000 USD and can be
increased in two month up to 4000 depending of you personal skills and motivation.

The company will pay all job expenses   taxes and   mailing   fees during your job

Your responsibilities
- Receiving the parcels.
- Printing out prepaid labels and company instructions.
- Unpacking, repacking.
- Sending a parcel to a recipient specified in the label.

- Trusted and responsible.
- Should have computer, mobile phone and Internet connection.
- Should always be in touch with a personal manager via phone and email.
- Should be accurate with the time frames and limits.

If you are interested in this proposal, we suggest you should go through the trial period.
For this purpose we will need your personal information.

As following:
- Your full name:
- Your Age:
- Contact phone number in international format:
- Contact email address:

Let us know if you are interested in this position and we will send you more details regarding
this vacancy along with our corporate  agreement and application form.

This is our corporate email address:
and if you will make your mind write us here.

HR Dep.
Thank you for choosing us.

BEWARE OF SPAMS>..................

REPLY ME: abikzer gilbert

Beware of SPAMS...
abikzer gilbert
May 12 (8 days ago)

to undisclosed recipients
 Subject Line :: REPLY ME
You have been Name in Rolf Hoffmanns WILL contact
for details.
Never respond to these kind of emails....  

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Beware of SPAMS....

Be careful with this message. Many people marked similar messages as phishing scams, so this might contain unsafe content


It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of
$20.million  dollars for more info contact director of payment Barrister Fred Martins with  your information wish is Age,Sex,Name,occupation,tel,
send all info to this mail address giving to you which is listeb below
Barrister Fred Martins

CC: Federal Bureau of Investigation
CC: National Central Bureau of Interpol
For claims procedures send your details to(

Proposal from Mr.Gil Cesar

Beware of SPAMS...........

Be careful with this message. Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information. Unless you trust the sender, don't click links or reply with personal information.  

Proposal from
Mr.Gil Cesar

My name is Mr.Gil Cesar, I am a senior partner in the Technical Advisory Board of Allied Irish  Bank Group(Senior Security Specialist). We are conducting a standard process investigation on  behalf of "AIB Group?, the International Banking conglomerate.

This investigation involves a client who shares the same surname with you and also the  circumstances surrounding investments made by this client at "AIB Group?, the Private Banking arm  of Allied Irish Bank.

The client died in testate and nominated no successor in title over the investments made with the  bank. would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and respect the  integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail.

I contact you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I  would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. You  share similar details to the late fellow; I am prepared to place you in a position to instruct the firm to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation. Upon receipt of the  deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you, that is, I will simply nominate you as the  next of kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 60/40.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight  line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit. But on the other hand, you with the same  very name as the depositor's would easily pass as the beneficiary with right to claim. I assure  you that I could have the deposit released to you within few working days.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. I ask that if you find no interest in this  project that you should discard this mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive.  If my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. Do not  destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people  like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking

I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for  you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such  opportunities only come ones in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once, I have  found myself in total control of my destiny. These chances won't pass me by. I ask that you do  not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life  but do not destroy me.

I have family and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities.
There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated the  risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me. I am the only one who  knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the  center of relevance in my life.

Lets share the blessing. If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me.If you give me  positive signals,I will initiate this process towards a conclusion.

I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within  me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a  platter of gold.

This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my  confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should plan a meeting soon.

Kind regards,
Mr.Gil Cesar

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