Friday, August 7, 2020

IIS Reset using Command Prompt


1) Open the Command Prompt. Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
Note: It may be necessary to right click on the Command Prompt icon and select "Run as Administrator", if the following steps fail with a warning stating the task requires elevation. 

2) Once the Command Prompt window opens, type 'iisreset' (without quotes) and then press Enter.

3) Or - 

To start IIS on command line, Open terminal and type:

c:/> iisreset /start
 Stop IIS via Command Line:

Use following command to stop IIS service on Windows operating systems. Either use Windows command prompt to run this command or execute it from run window.

c:/> iisreset /stop
ReStart IIS via Command Line:

Use the following command to restart IIS service on Windows operating systems. Either use the Windows command prompt to run this command or execute it from the run window.

c:/> iisreset /restart


c:/> iisreset
Default iisreset command restarts the IIS service. So you don’t need to provide /restart parameter option to iisreset command to restart IIS service
To restart IIS using the IISReset command-line utility
  1. From the Start menu, click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type cmd, and click OK.
  3. At the command prompt, type
    iisreset /noforce
  4. IIS attempts to stop all services before restarting. The IISReset command-line utility waits up to one minute for all services to stop. If the services cannot be stopped within one minute, all IIS services are terminated, and IIS restarts.

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